Practice Yoga in French

Yoga is a practice that has become increasingly popular in recent years, and it's not difficult to understand why. It's a great way to stay active, improve your flexibility and balance, and reduce stress. But did you know that doing a yoga class in French can also help with learning French?

Research has shown that exercise is linked to better language learning. When we exercise, our brain releases chemicals called endorphins, which can improve our mood and increase our ability to learn and retain new information. Doing yoga can be helpful for language learning because it involves a lot of focus and concentration, which are important skills for language learners to develop.

At the Alliance Française d'Austin, we offer special "French & Yoga" classes, both online and in-person. Our AFA instructor Laura Mortier-Smoter is a certified vinyasa yoga teacher, and she conducts the session in French for a fun immersive experience. Laura demonstrates the yoga poses as she speaks, so you can follow along and learn movement verbs, body parts, the imperative form, and much more.

One of the benefits of doing a yoga class in French is that it provides a unique opportunity to practice your French in a relaxed, stress-free environment. You can learn new vocabulary related to yoga and exercise, and practice your listening skills as you follow along with the class. Plus, because you're doing an activity that you enjoy, you may find that you're more motivated to stick with it and continue learning French.

AFA recently received this feedback from attendees of Laura’s “French & Yoga” classes:

“J’adore le yoga en français! I love the yoga class in French, both online and in person. It is a great way to practice French in a fun, new way! C’est le meilleur! It’s the best of multitasking - great yoga and a great opportunity to improve my French listening and comprehension! Merci beaucoup!” - Laura Moore

“My son and I took a yoga class with Laura in French in April at Mueller. It was a great class and we learned some new French words! Glad we did it and would highly recommend!” - Michelle Oyler

AFA’s next “French & Yoga” class will be held online on Sunday, June 4 from 9am - 10am. The next in-person class is on Saturday, July 15 from noon - 1pm at Studio 103 in Austin. Here is the LINK to register.

All levels of French and yoga students are welcome to join our "French & Yoga" classes. We’re sure you’ll find that the class is a great way to get a full body and mind workout while also improving your French language skills. A bientôt sur le tapis ! See you soon on the mat!

Jordan Phillips